
  Happy Customer Testimonials

  (since 7/3/2008)

I am on an IV drip for medication due to my condition when my IV bag ran out. Without my medication my blood pressure drops dangerously low. I was unable to get in touch with my hospital because they weren’t answering my call. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] got me help.


I was in my bedroom getting ready for church when, somehow, I locked myself in my own bedroom and the lock was on the outside of the door. I began to panic but I remembered I was wearing my Life Alert pendant. I pressed it, explained what happened, and help arrived quickly to get me out.


My mom was experiencing sharp back pain and was unable to get out of bed or reach her phone. She pressed her pendant and the [Life Alert dispatcher] got her help within minutes. She was transported to the hospital and is doing well now.


I stumbled on the door frame and fell, hitting my head hard enough to require 8 staples to close. The Life Alert [dispatcher] notified emergency services who transported me to the local hospital. I am very fortunate to have Life Alert as my children do not live close to me. I depend on Life Alert for help when I need it.


I was only planning to be out for the day but started having car trouble just as a storm began to roll in. I was stuck without an extra oxygen tank and only had 1 with me. I was going to have to stay the night due to my car not working and began to panic due to not having any extra oxygen tanks. I pressed my Help Pendant and Life Alert found my location and sent for help.


My husband became pale and weak when going to put out the trash at the end of the road. His blood pressure was extremely low and he has a history of heart attacks. I quickly pressed my Life Alert pendant and a [dispatcher] contacted paramedics and stayed on the line with me until they arrived.


I fell off my chair without even realizing it. I woke up on the floor in the dark and struggled trying to get back on my feet. After being unable to get back up, I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The Life Alert [dispatcher] was very helpful and kept me informed. Emergency services got here in minutes and helped me back up.


I fell and was planning to wait for my wife to return home. When I realized my wife was not returning any time soon, I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] contacted EMT’s and provided them with the key code to get into the garage. I am very glad to have Life Alert because I am never really alone.


There were prowlers outside my home one night. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified law enforcement for me. Within minutes police came to my home and checked everything to ensure I was safe and secure.


I had just come home from rehab when I fell in the bathroom and broke 3 ribs. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified paramedics who took me to the hospital. Life Alert was wonderful, helpful, and next time I won’t think twice about using my pendant in an emergency.


I fell while leaving my home and landed on the cement. The Life Alert [dispatcher] was extremely kind and stayed on the line with me until first responders could arrive. The [dispatcher] was a great source of comfort to me and treated me with concern and respect.


I had a heart attack and was having trouble breathing and felt like I was suffocating. I was alone and frightened. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified paramedics who treated me and took me to the hospital.


When I heard the smoke alarms in my condo going off, I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The Life Alert [dispatcher] could hear the smoke alarm over the phone and contacted the Fire Department. After just a few minutes, a fire engine arrived. Thank you, Life Alert!


My elderly mother fell early in the morning and pressed her Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] notified paramedics who were already at my mother’s house and had helped her up by the time I got there. Thankfully, she was not hurt.


When I fell, I hit the back of my head on the bathroom floor. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] who answered was kind, informative, and stayed on the line with me until help arrived.


I fell when my left knee buckled and I was unable to lift myself back up. I pressed my Life Alert [pendant] and in only a few minutes emergency services arrived and got me off the floor. Thank you, Life Alert!


I had an unusual emergency. I was in my electronically controlled recliner when the power went out due to a storm, leaving me unable to adjust the chair to get out. I was stuck and unable to get up so I pressed my Life Alert pendant who immediately sent for emergency services and got me out of the chair. Thank you, Life Alert!


I fell off my bed while turning in my sleep and being too close to the edge of the bed. I could tell nothing was broken but I was in a lot of pain. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified emergency services who got me off the floor and helped me back into bed.


I was pushing a chair in when my feet slid out from under me and I fell. I landed on my back in an awkward position and I was in a lot of pain. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] answered immediately. Paramedics came and helped me up and took me to a hospital.


My husband fell while bringing in the groceries and was unable to get up. There was no way I was able to pick him up by myself. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] responded and got help here within minutes. Thankfully, all was well!


I fell face first on my cement driveway and a neighbor helped me up and took me inside to clean the blood off me. When we tried to call 9-1-1 the line was busy, twice! Then we called Life Alert and the [dispatcher] answered immediately and got help to me in a few minutes. Good job, Life Alert!


Life Alert’s response time is amazing! All the dispatchers are friendly and courteous. My mother is hard of hearing but the dispatchers work with her and do not get flustered.


When my husband fell, he hit his head and was unable to get up. I pressed his Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] stayed on the line with me until EMT’s came. The [dispatcher] was very calming when talking to me and gave EMT’s my husband’s medical information.


I slipped in my walk-in shower and pressed my Help Button. As soon as I connected with the Life Alert [dispatcher] they assured me help was on the way. When paramedics arrived, they took me to the emergency room. I was so glad I had the help button in the shower.


My neighbor, who was with me at the time, pressed my Life Alert pendant when they noticed I was slurring my speech and having stroke-like symptoms. The Life Alert [dispatcher] was very helpful and sent an ambulance to my location while also notifying my emergency contacts of the situation. Thank you, Life Alert.


My mom woke up at 4 in the morning very light-headed and was afraid so she pressed her Life Alert pendant. The dispatcher notified paramedics and stayed on the line with her until they arrived. The dispatcher also provided the paramedics with any medical information they needed.


My sister was having a stroke so I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the dispatcher contacted emergency services. The [dispatcher] stayed on the line with me and I was very impressed with how she handled the emergency.


I was having an extreme headache due to the medication I am on. Around 3:30 in the morning I decided I needed to go to the Emergency Room. I pushed the button on my Main Unit and a [dispatcher] answered immediately and stayed on the line until paramedics arrived. How wonderful!


My mother, who has trouble moving, fell on her front porch while I was away. She pressed her Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified emergency services who helped get her back up. I love the way the dispatcher stays on the line until help arrives.


I fell and was unable to get up due to my knee replacement and a bad shoulder. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] was kind, courteous, and attentive. It is really assuring for me that they stay on the line with me until EMT’s arrive. Thank you, Life Alert.


I was experiencing difficulty breathing and chest pain and my doctor told me to go to the hospital. I had no ride so I pushed my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] sent for emergency services and they got me to the hospital where I found out I had pneumonia and congestive heart failure.


I fell in the bathroom while turning to turn off the light. While I was not hurt, I did not have the strength to get myself back up. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified emergency services who arrived soon after.


I live alone and was unable to get up after falling out of bed. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified emergency services and got me to the hospital. Without Life Alert I would have been stuck on the floor all night.


I have a heart condition and pressed my Life Alert pendant when I started having difficulty breathing. The [dispatcher] kept me calm and reassured me that help was on the way. It gives me peace of mind to know that I always my Life Alert pendant within reach.


While getting out the shower I became dizzy and fell. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and a Life Alert dispatcher answered immediately and stayed on the line with me until EMS arrived.


I fell while my caretaker was asleep and was unable to reach for the phone. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] sent for emergency services who arrived a few minutes later.


I fell onto the floor while getting out of bed and was unable to get myself up. I pushed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] notified EMT’s who arrived in minutes. The whole experience was positive and I recommend Life Alert to everyone.


My dad tripped and fell while carrying in groceries and was not able to get himself up. He pushed his Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] responded right away. Life Alert is a wonderful service.


I fell onto my wood burning stove, knocking it over and spilling fire onto my floor. I was not hurt but still pressed my Life Alert help button. The [dispatcher] contacted the fire department for me.


I pushed my Life Alert pendant when I fell outside on my steep driveway. The dispatcher said they had already contacted emergency services and that help was on the way.


When my 94-year-old mother was feeling dizzy and short of breath, she used Life Alert pendant and a [dispatcher] responded immediately. The Life Alert [dispatcher] notified emergency services and stayed on the line with me until help arrived. Life Alert allows mom to live independently and makes her feel confident that help is only minutes away.


My husband lost his balance and fell off his chair onto the floor. He pressed his Life Alert pendant and the dispatcher contacted emergency services.


My 100-year-old aunt experienced a fall and was in severe pain and unable to get herself up. She pushed her Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] sent for an ambulance who took her to a hospital. We are so grateful for Life Alert.


I fell in the bathroom and was knocked unconscious from the fall. My husband pushed my Life Alert pendant to call for help. The Life Alert [dispatcher] was calming and professional.


I have had Life Alert for 5 years now. I am 94 and able to do most things by myself but when I fall, I am not able to get myself up. It is great that I do not have to worry about falling because Life Alert will send someone to pick me up.


I lost balance and fell while getting out of bed and landed in a sitting position between the bed and night stand. I pushed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] called paramedics who helped me get up. Thankfully I was not hurt and did not need to go to the hospital. Thank you, Life Alert.


I had a fall while cooking and my house began to fill with smoke. Life Alert detected the smoke and notified the local fire department. [Life Alert] truly is a life saver!


My mother fell when she was home alone and used her Life Alert pendant to call for help. Life Alert responded quickly and sent emergency services. We are very thankful that the Life Alert [dispatcher] stayed on the line with my mother until help arrived.


I fell backwards onto hardwood floor and started bleeding from my head. The Life Alert [dispatcher] stayed on the phone with me until paramedics arrived. The [dispatcher] helped me stay calm and listened to me during a scary and stressful situation.


I had a fall in the bathroom and could not get up. Life Alert notified emergency services who arrived immediately and helped me up. The Life Alert dispatcher was courteous and helpful and my experience was positive.

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